Senkesett TA Technix Peugeot 206/ 206SW/ 206CC 1.6l petrol only FA 40mm
Passer til:
Peugeot 206 / 206CC / 206SW / 206+
type 2*NFU, 2*NFZ
1.6l petrol engine
År 1998 - 2012
Senking: only FA 40mm
Frontlast: 875kg
on the rear axle take place with the serial torque rod.
TUV dokumentasjon
Passer til:
Peugeot 206 / 206CC / 206SW / 206+
type 2*NFU, 2*NFZ
1.6l petrol engine
År 1998 - 2012
Senking: only FA 40mm
Frontlast: 875kg
on the rear axle take place with the serial torque rod.
TUV dokumentasjon